Friday, October 27, 2006


USED TOILET PAPER - For Sale. I have a wide selection of brands, designs and colors. Call for details and prices at 044 - 672#@!

USED TOMBSTONE , Perfect for someone named HendelBergenHeinzel . One only. Ph- 001-$^%^$&*&%

FOR SALE- One pair, hardly used dentures, only 2 back tooth missing, $100 obo. Call Irwin at 001-#$^&^%*&

TURKEY - For Sale. Partially eaten. Only eight days old. Both drumsticks are still intact $22.00 obo Ph 001-%$^^&$%

FULL SIZE MATTRESS.Royal Tonic , 20 year warranty. Like new. Slight Urine smell $40 (818) 324%^##